Run for Research
powered by Be Your Possible and Sermo
Become part of the Pinnacle community
and support medical research.
Fill out the super simple registration form below.
skip any fundraising
That’s right. No fundraising.
No donating your money.
No asking others to donate for every mile you run or walk.
just run (or walk) on 6/8
Get your steps in wherever you happen to be on June 8, 2025
Anywhere and everywhere - no set race course.
Pinnacle is proud to partner with our 2025 conference sponsor, Run for Research, to raise money for medical research.
All you have to do is sign up and get your steps in wherever you happen to be on June 8th, 2025!
Sign up with your name and email.
Pledge how far you’ll run and which cause you’d like Run for Research to donate to. When we hit 1,000 registrants, a $100,000 donation will be unlocked (to start!)
It’s simple: you run (or walk), wherever you are on June 8, 2025 and Run for Research donates!
Run for Research is the flagship event of Be Your Possible, a charitable organization raising awareness and funds for medical research.
Be Your Possible founder and Sermo CEO Peter Kirk is an AML survivor who received a life-saving blood stem cell transplant at the height of the pandemic. It’s now his mission to pay it forward and inspire others to take steps toward their own possible – whatever that may be. Peter’s “possible” is running 1,000 half marathons by the 10th anniversary of his transplant!